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Add your deal, information or promotional text


  • Go to the item you would like to purchase.
  • Select your size and the quantity using the drop down box.
  • Click “Add to basket’ button.
  • When you're done click ‘Checkout now' at the top right of the page.
  • If you wish to add more items to the basket, click Continue shopping and you will be directed back to the homepage where you can choose items from the dropdown navigation bar at the top.
  • Once you are done adding items to your basked, click ‘Proceed to checkout’.
  • You will then be directed to a page asking if you wish to checkout as a guest, or register an account. This is your choice.
  • Click “Continue”. You may enter your contact and delivery details on this page.
  • Select your method of payment at the bottom of the page. You can pay via
    credit card or Bank Transfer.
  • On choosing Bank Transfer a small screen will open up with our bank details, along with our email address, where proof of payment should be sent to.
  • Remember : Always use your new order number as reference – this ensures that the order is processed without delay.
  • You are able to place an order without registering an account with
  • Please note, however, that as a guest, you will not be able to manage or track
    your order. If you choose to set up an account after placing your order,
    providing you use the same email address, you will be able to access your
    previous order history.
  • Usually an item is in stock when the size appears in the drop down box.
  • It does, however, happen that items go out of stock due to popular demand on
    a particular day. However, you will be notified immediately should an item no
    longer be available when your order is being processed.
  • We will firstly send a request to source the item from a store. If the stores are
    unable to supply us with the item, you will have the choice of either an
    alternative item (ie. The same style but a different colour), or a voucher to the
    full value of the product that is out of stock which you can then use for a
    purchase to the same value of the item that is no longer available.
  • Should you, however, not be happy with any of these options, we will proceed
    with a refund of the total paid for the item that is out of stock in the same
    method your payment was received, ie. Credit card or bank transfer.

Your order will be processed without delay on receipt of your proof of
payment sent directly from your bank to (this
happens same day if proof is received between 8h30am and 16h30 MondaysFridays).

Once payment has been allocated an order is processed on the same day. The
parcel is then packed and shipped from the warehouse within 24 hours of
processing. It usually takes 5-7 working days for an order to be delivered to
your door. This time frame may change if an order has to be sourced from
stores due to out of stock scenarios, however, you will be notified via email if
this happens.

Once your order has been picked and packed, your waybill number will be sent
to you . You can track the progress you your order directly on our courier sites
using the waybill number, as it moves on route from our warehouse to your
go to: “Track Your Parcel page”

For Banking EFT's: Payments made before 4 PM on weekdays will get
confirmed within two working days.
With Credit Card Payments: Payment confirmation is in real time. There is a
short delay before the order is sent for processing, this allows us to run
security checks on the payment.

If you have used the correct reference number, as provided by us, it’s not
Remember that payments will only be confirmed when the funds reflect in our
account. Proof of payment is only handy to identify payments not picked up
when an incorrect reference number has been used.

Many of the enquiries we receive relating to difficulties processing card
payments are because of 3D secure. 3D secure is a card verification measure
put in place by the banks to prevent fraudsters from using your card to
transact online. if you are having this problem it is most likely because your
card is not registered for 3D secure. You will need to contact your bank to
register your card.

Provide the answer to the question here.

Provide the answer to the question here.

If you received a coupon code this can be entered on checkout. After adding an
item to your shopping basket you will be prompted to enter the code in the
discount code section. Just enter the code and press apply for the discount to
be effected.
